Wow - “Let’s not give Israel any excuses to criminalise the movement” - sounds like the anxious partner of an abusive husband.

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My how the worm turns:

1) Great blog piece, delving into what we in Ireland would call "Quisling Revisionism". I'm your new subscriber as a result of this great piece!

2) It's a classic case of radical organisations being infiltrated by f##### liberals. Liberals are by definition counterrevolutionary imho.

3) The demonising of armed struggle or what I called it at a UN conference in Canberra "Armed Self Defense". That observation flung the Australian Foreign Minister into a meltdown 🙂 with him accusing me of "International relations 101", whatever TF that means 🙂. All the black delegates from Africa swamped me when we came off the podium. The ambassador to Madascar said to me: "I've been waiting all my life to hear a white dude say that!

When I turned up in occupied West Belfast in the early 1980's I was unsure of my position on the "Armed Struggle". It was a grandmother who convinced me that armed struggle was a duty & an obligation we had to make, we didn't have a genuine choice, someone had to protect our community from the occupying forces!

I had my own run-in with the IDF, I know how brutal they can be!


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